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Welcome to Asyma Solutions, Owen Price!

Owen Price will be joining the staff at Asyma’s Edmonton office, where he’ll be responsible for consulting and implementing effective management information systems for Edmonton businesses. He is uniquely qualified due to his 25+ years in the computer industry and his multiple Sage 300 certifications.

Owen is excited to be joining the Asyma Solutions team. He says,

Owen_Price.jpg"For over a decade I’ve been watching the Asyma Solutions team closely, and I think what the founders have created is nothing short of incredible. I wanted to be part of it, and I can easily see how working in this collaborative environment is a huge advantage for their clients. Asyma Solutions is hands-down at the forefront in using technology and management best practices as effectively as possible to help businesses and organizations succeed. Plus, the people I’m working alongside are the most skilled consultants in western Canada — and in the country, for that matter. Keith Greeno and Dick Boorsma have managed to create a working environment that I can’t wait to get to every day. I’ve never been more excited about my career and what lies ahead."

Rob Greeno shares Owen’s enthusiasm:

"We've been looking for a good fit for our Edmonton operations so we can service businesses to the level that we hold ourselves to. We needed a qualified and experienced consultant to come in and make sure we're meeting our customers' needs. We are more than ecstatic about the opportunity for Owen to join our team because he has the experience we needed and he does a great job for his customers. I believe his values and his mission align very well with Asyma’s. Owen has definitely been a great addition to the team and I think he's going to do wonders to help our customers achieve what they need to achieve out of their systems."

In the last year, Asyma has added several new employees, including Owen Price, and opened a new office in Victoria.

To learn more about the things Asyma Solutions can do to help your business, contact us today.